for collaborative planning, design, and construction of the project to achieve the project objective.
FloatOcean’s team of seasoned specialists provides specialty services and numerous expert analyses to ensure overall project execution by verifying design quality, identifying and assessing risks, and ensuring overall project execution.
We leverage internationally recognized project management frameworks and processes as part of our quality management system for the management and control of all our projects in engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning.
We believe in analyzing risk factors in projects and maintaining preventive supervision. Our experts thoroughly review budget and time schedules, designs, specifications, bids, project contracts, work arrangements, etc. before the project initiation.
The PMT is responsible for all project progress and for developing benchmarks, metrics, or standards for evaluating the project progress. PMT is also responsible for organizing Project Implementation Teams (PITs), small groups assembled to focus on specific project elements and tasks, and managing these teams.