A safe and efficient working environment is based on several factors that influence the organization and the people working in it.
The health and safety of our people and protection of the environment is of paramount importance in our way of conducting business.
We will achieve this by:
Conducting our business in a legal, ethical and socially responsible manner and expect our sub-contractors and business partners to abide by the same.
Demonstrate an effective leadership that ensures that every employee of the organization contributes towards achieving a common collective goal of a safe and secure work place.
Performing all projects in a safe reliable manner that avoids any incidents and personnel injuries. Create awareness about safe & healthy working practices, environmental aspects and occupational safety hazards and risks among employees and associated partners and sub-contractors.
Periodic monitoring of HSE performance towards established goals and objectives of the company.
Striving to operate in a way that causes minimal waste generation and protects and safeguards our environment while encouraging efficient use of materials and resources.